Twilight Covening
October 11-14, 2024
In the twilight of the year, we gather together to set time apart from our daily lives for study, reflection, dreaming, and seeking visions.
A time apart.
Feel the current of change
As the season turns.
Flow with the tide.
Find yourself held in community,
Honoring the spirit of the Earth.
Breathe in the cool crisp air
Cross the bridge from autumn
Into the dark of winter.
Step into a three-day ritual of deep spiritual connection, learning and magic.
Twilight Covening is a continuous 3-day ritual which holds and shapes an intensive learning experience of Earth spirituality and a time to develop our collective wisdom in a shared sacred space as we move into the dark time of the year.
Each year since 1986, members of the EarthSpirit Community gather deep into ourselves and into communion with this time of year and with all of Nature. We explore the depths of a range of spiritual practices, learn new skills together and experience the joy and power of a living community ritual. We invite you to join us.
Twilight Covening is held in the autumn during the strong natural transition taking place all around us from light into dark, summer into winter, and outward focus to inward contemplation. During the gathering, we use this current of change, along with our focused practices, to find inspiration and insight that can feed us in the dark months to come and motivate us to make changes that we can use to deepen our own spiritual practice.
The intensive work of Twilight Covening takes place in practice-specific Clans of 10-15 people and in full-community rituals that flow together through the weekend.
The rituals include:
- Releasing Fire Ritual on Friday night,
- Rituals for Dreaming, Healing and Trance on Saturday night,
- A Visioning Ritual on Sunday night
- Four Attunements each day which mark the solar quarters of the day
Many participants have found that Twilight Covening provides a model for maintaining an earth-centered practice on a daily basis and is a wonderful opportunity for developing strong and lasting connections with others on a similar path.
PLEASE NOTE: Twilight Covening is a demanding physical experience. The schedule is intense, the terrain rugged, the weather unpredictable and the facilities limited in creature comforts. We do our best to make the event as accessible as possible, but we cannot accommodate all needs. If you are planning to attend and have accessibility needs or mobility concerns, please be sure to answer those related questions on the application form so that we can do our best to plan accommodations. If you have specific questions about whether you should attend given your particular situation, please email us at
Covid-19 protocol
This year no vaccination records are required, but we ask that each person take a self-test on Friday before arriving on site and and stay home if that test is positive. We will not ask for evidence of the test when you arrive, but will trust that you will follow this guideline and care for the health of our community.
Please do not come if you are sick or if you have been exposed to COVID within the past 5 days. If you develop COVID symptoms on site we will ask you to isolate in a designated area until a home test shows a negative result. If symptoms continue we reserve the right to ask you to go home. We hold each other by paying attention to our own and others’ safety - by washing hands and asking before close contact, like hugging.
Many Clan activities and community rituals will take place outdoors. Please bear this in mind when considering whether attending is the right choice for you. We suggest that everyone bring extra warm layers and good rain gear (tops and pants), just in case.
Masks will be optional in indoor settings during the event. Please bring your own masks with you if you want to use one. Some disposable back-ups will be available.
The Director

Deirdre Pulgram Arthen
Deirdre Arthen (she/her), a witch for over 40 years, and an Elder of the EarthSpirit Community, loves creating different kinds of gateways along the boundary between the seen world and the unseen and sharing the experience of passing through those gateways with her community. Deirdre is the Executive Director of EarthSpirit and partner in Tamelin Productions with Andras Corban Arthen. She coordinates Twilight Covening, selecting and overseeing all of the Clan Leaders and shaping the ritual content for the weekend.
Twilight Covening Application
Admission to Twilight Covening is by pre-registration only. One fee includes the cost of the program, lodging in either a regular cabin or your own tent, and a total of 8 meals, starting with dinner on Friday night through breakfast on Monday.
- Online Registration closes at 11:59pm ET on Sunday, September 22
- Payment by check must be postmarked by September 22
The early rate is $325, all inclusive.
Beginning on September 1, the rate will be $350.00
Heated sleeping space is an additional $60.
If the event reaches capacity, we will begin a waiting list in case any spots open up due to cancellation. (In past years, almost everyone on the waiting list was able to attend due to cancellations)
If you want to register after the deadline, and we are still able to accommodate you, Clan choices will be limited and a $25 late fee will be added to the cost of registration.
Clan assignment is made on the basis of multiple factors, including registration date and the best arrangement for the entire gathering. If clans fill early, they may be closed to further registrations, so registering early will provide the widest set of choices. All registrations received between August 1 and August 7 will receive the same priority level.
Twilight Covening Housing Choices
Standard cabins have eight to thirteen beds each. All have electricity, with shared bathrooms and a shower-house nearby. There are also heated sleeping spaces available in rooms for between 4 and 12 people which cost an additional $60 per person paid at the time of registration. Double, triple, or single rooms are not available.
You will choose a cabin or room in the category you have selected when you arrive. Some Clans will share a cabin and others will have identified space where Clan members may choose to sleep if they prefer. If you would rather share a cabin with a group of your own choosing, please be sure that we know in advance and that you include an adequate number in your group to fill a cabin (usually 8+ for standard cabins, or 4+ for heated space). Plenty of grassy tenting space is also available if you would prefer to be on your own.
Twilight Covening Confirmation
Confirmation of registration, with directions and the clan assignment, will be sent out no later than September 30. E-mail is by far the most efficient means of communication. If you have changed your email or mailing address from the time of registration, you need to let us know asap so that your information can reach you in a timely manner. Send us an email at with the subject: “Covening address change”.
Given the atmosphere we create at Twilight Covening and the state of the ongoing pandemic, the number of people we can accommodate is limited. Please register early to ensure admission. If cost is an issue and paying in installments will help you attend, please go ahead and register to pay by check and also e-mail us at as early as possible and we will try to help. Some assistance is available through the Morwen Two Feathers Scholarship Fund, and a few work exchange positions may be possible for individuals with construction or carpentry skills.
Donate to the Morwen Two Feathers Scholarship Fund
Anyone can Donate to the Morwen Two Feathers Scholarship Fund to help other people attend Twilight Covening.
Twilight Covening Online Registration Instructions
To register online, click the link below. You will receive a confirmation e-mail with your registration number. If you do not receive that, your registration has not gone through and you may try again. Please do not register more than once if you do receive the email. (If you are unsure if your registration has gone through please contact before attempting to register again.) If you have questions, additions, changes, or cancellations, e-mail us at Online payment options are: credit card (via PayPal), check, or money order. If you choose PayPal, you’ll be taken to the PayPal site at the appropriate time in the registration process.
If you choose check or money order, please write your registration number on your payment and mail it to: Tamelin Productions, PO Box 340, Williamsburg, MA 01096. Checks must be postmarked no later than September 22.
Important: Please check to make sure you have included all of the information required for application to Twilight Covening. Your application will be processed more rapidly with your help. – Thank you
You will be asked to physically sign a waiver on site.
If you have not received your assignment by October 1, please contact the Tamelin Productions office at 413-238-4240 or
If you are not able to attend Twilight Covening and would like to receive credit for another event, you must request it in writing by September 22.
If you need to have your money refunded, let us know before September 10. After that date, your registration money is committed toward the rental of the site, food purchases, and other expenses for which we have to pay in advance whether you attend or not. Please do not ask us for a refund or credit after September 22.
COVID-19 Exception: If you have tested positive for COVID or have been closely exposed within a week of the event, please do not attend Twilight Covening. You will receive a full one-year credit for another event or a refund.
You can mail your payment (and make checks out) to:
Tamelin Productions
PO Box 340
Williamsburg, MA 01096
or Register On-line
A $25 service charge will be applied to all refunds and bounced checks.
Volunteers for final clean up are welcome as are some for pre-event kitchen work. Please indicate your desire to volunteer on your application. Do not assume that you should come early unless you hear from us directly. Call the office at (413) 238-4240 and leave a message if you want to find out more. Please email to find out more.
Register for Twilight Covening Online
Registration for Twilight Covening is currently full but we do have a waiting list available.
Choosing your Twilight Covening Clan
Make sure that you read over all of the Clan descriptions carefully. There are many wonderful possibilities.
On your registration form, you will need to list five Clans as possible choices for the weekend. Since Clan size is limited, there is a good chance that you may not get your first choice. Every year some Clans fill up quickly and other Clans are canceled due to lack of demand. It varies a lot year to year. Please be ready to have several first choices and to be flexible! It is important that you indicate five preferences.
Number your preferences from 1 to 5, with 1 being your first choice. Registration forms which are filled out incompletely will only delay processing time, making it less likely that first choices will be available.
So that Clan Leaders can best meet the needs of all of the members of their Clan, whatever their level of experience, we ask that everyone thoroughly answer all of the questions on the registration form.
All of the Clans at Twilight Covening are designed to provide deep and fulfilling experiences. Some Clans, indicated with an asterisk (*), include work that relies on past experience or is especially challenging. If you would like to apply to join one of these Clans, please let us know why it calls to you right now and include information about your training, skills and practice with this kind of work in your application along with information about the kind of support system you have in place outside of Twilight Covening (coven, teacher, therapist, etc.). If you do not include all of this information, we cannot assign you to one of these Clans.
To fully complete the ritual of Twilight Covening, you should arrive by dinner time on Friday and must plan to stay on site until Monday afternoon so that you don’t miss your Clan’s final meeting or the closing circle. Clan assignments will be finalized and mailed after the registration deadline of September 22. We will have a master list in the office; please call if you have not received your assignment by October 1.
Twilight Covening 2024 Clan List
Beaver Clan
Beaver may build dams, create new environments, and serve as the catalyst for increasingly complex natural systems, but this is all done in service of the beaver's lodge. Each night begins there, ends there, nourishment is stored there, shelter is taken there. Beaver's clever building skills create a haven in which to rest, to prepare, to create and teach. As Beaver labors to create a safe and bountiful place, so we may work to create such a space for our own magical and meditative practices. Beaver clan will focus on the work of deliberately shaping and building an internal space as a shelter, a place for self awareness and work, and stepping off point for other practices. Much of our time together will be spent in the construction of this personal space, to at least lay the foundations to build upon in the winter season.
Brannen, leader
Beetle Clan
The beetle is an ancient, adaptive creature that thrives in many environments, a symbol of creativity, rebirth and good fortune. They are resilient and among nature's top recyclers as they manipulate and transform simple, even discarded, materials into something new. In this art journaling clan we will explore using a variety of techniques and materials to create rich container for your pagan spirituality and practice. We will look inward using tools including guided meditation and visualization to connect with our inner creative voice and the images that surface. Unbinding the idea of a journal being just a written diary, we'll play with artistic techniques and use paint, stamps, collage, mark-making and more to practice transformational magic. You do not have to be an artist to join this clan. Our focus is on the process of creativity and play and self awareness. Come spread your own luminous wings as we record, reflect, and reimagine. A list of suggested supplies will be provided, to supplement clan materials.
Kaye Kittredge and Shara Osgood, leaders
Fishing Spider Clan
The Fishing Spider lives and hunts where water, earth, and air meet. It gathers information about how to proceed from the nexus of all the elements. Astrology is grounded in the four fundamental elements Earth, Air, Fire, and Water; and their component parts hot/cold, wet/dry. All Beings are composed of all the elements, but in each being, some qualities predominate; this is where we start to see the interaction that becomes astrology. This clan will work through the shifting focus of the weekend to experience these four principal elements and qualities in a direct way, using both intuition and reason to discern their nature and how they interact with one another to manifest what we call "astrology." We will explore these elements on the mountain, and draw on and share our own experiences of them from our daily lives. As part of this, we will include the tradition of the humors (choleric, sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic) as they apply to overall health, psychology, and personality. Focusing on these fundamentals will bring us to the point where we can begin to do some simple birth chart reading, and go into the dark time with new tools for self-understanding and divination.
Chris LaFond, leader
Forest Cat Clan
The Forest Cat slips easily between the world of the wild, and that of men, at home in a tree top, or a lap, never wasting energy on useless movements or sounds. The practice of RunValdr: the Way of Using Runes, gives us access to the powers of the ancient runes. With a drawn symbol or two we can heal, pass into other worlds, make magickal objects, and more. RunValdr does not claim to be safe; there are claws within the velvet paw. Traditionally, rune's were used to curse as well as to heal, and will do what they do without expending a whit more energy than needed. This clan will explore this system like the curious cat, and patiently practice, so that when we leave we may carry the power silently within us, ready to make whatever world we walk in our own.
Tchipakkan, leader
Minotaur Clan* - clan is full
The Minotaur embodies the conflict between our light and dark sides and the challenges we face to live authentically +within societal expectations. This innate duality mirrors our own internal battle between the part of ourselves we show the world and the part we feel we must hide. The Minotaur’s hiding place, the labyrinth, serves as a metaphor for the deep recesses of our soul that conceal the shadow part of ourselves. It represents the complexity of our fears, secrets, and unresolved conflicts that we must come to terms with to achieve authenticity and wholeness. As the hero of our own story, we must be willing to face and conquer our internal demons to achieve growth and transformation. This clan will use the labyrinth and masks as a tools to acknowledge and confront our internal struggles and embark on a journey of self-realization. Clan members will learn to create a labyrinth to be used for this work throughout the weekend. This is an advanced clan, and the clan work may be deep and challenging at times. You do not need any prior knowledge of or work with the labyrinth to join this clan.
Tracy Andryc, Jo Weston leaders
Owl Clan
Owls are archetypes of intelligence and wisdom. They use their keen observation and perception of their surroundings to gain a heightened insight into the energies and possibilities in any given situation. Using group and solo opening techniques, tarot reading practices and reflection, we will work towards hearing and amplifying our innate intuitive voices and gaining confidence in the interpretation and expression of the messages we perceive when we are open to receiving them. Knowledge of tarot is helpful, but not required. Please bring a tarot deck and journal.
Sarahluna Chandler, leader
Parula Clan
The parula is a tiny warbler with a distinct song and a remarkable ability to hide in the tree canopy, despite its colorful plumage. Parula Clan aims to deepen our intimacy with air, fire, water, and earth to access more than just a mind-memory of a moment, but the beauty full awareness of an experience. Safely centered and grounded, with our bodies in gentle movement and our voices engaged, we will learn practices and patterns to weave the elements of place and self. Clan members will explore personal variations to make them immediately accessible and available at any time. This clan's work will take place outdoors.
Rose Starwind, leader
Phoenix Clan - clan is full
The Phoenix is a symbol of fire, air and spirit that is reborn through a process of death, transformation, and renewal. As the Phoenix succumbs to the fire it does so willingly, ready to transition and be reborn to a higher plane. In doing so, the Phoenix sacrifices what it once was in order to be reborn into new possibilities. The Phoenix clan will undertake the same process of death, transformation and renewal to release that which no longer serves, revealing a new path forward. Through our work together as a clan, we will deepen our understanding of what must be left behind to facilitate our transition, culminating in a symbolic “death”. We will be reborn in silence, our focus inward, deepening connection with spirit and nature around us. We reawaken in the community of our clan and the larger gathering to celebrate our renewal and chosen path forward. This clan will use shamanic journey techniques, meditation in nature and journaling to facilitate our transformation.
This clan will be physically active and will spend time outdoors and will share a sleeping cabin.
Liz Porter, Ben Schuman, leaders
Rattlesnake Clan - clan is full
A rattlesnake’s life begins in silence. Each time a rattlesnake outgrows its skin, a rattle segment is added, and a new dimension is given to its voice. Rattlesnake Clan will ask us to challenge our assumptions about the stories we tell ourselves, using both our silence and our voices to shed what no longer serves. We will pare down a story we carry to its essentials— expanding and contracting in order to shed our skins, and reveal the new growth underneath. These distillations will transform our old stories into words of power— giving our stories voice and gathering information and tools that speak to us in new ways. Our clan work together will focus around ritual, trance, word craft, breath work, and hands-on work. Some work will take place late at night and require walking outdoors, and will challenge clan members to embrace their willingness to be vulnerable and grapple with some of the ways they may have seen themselves before. A small sliding scale contribution for supplies will be requested.
Dawn D and Tess Archer. leaders
Red Dragon Clan - clan is full
The Red Dragon is a symbol associated with the people of Wales and stands guard over the mystery and magic of these ancient Celts. In this clan we will deepen our understanding of early mysteries as told in the mythological sagas of the Mabinogi. Using trance-inducing and shape-shifting techniques revealed through these myths, we will move through transformative postures drawn from magical animal energies, loosening our shape to experience Other. We will explore the initiatory mysteries of the triple circle and the Spiral Castle presided over by Arianrhod (whose name means “Silver Wheel”). Following the music of the Silver Branch through the Spiral Castle that leads to Annwn (the Welsh Otherworld), we will dance the dragon’s path toward trance, vision and deep personal transformation. Each clan member will create their own Silver Branch to take home. Please Note: This clan is a revised and updated approach to the material presented in previous Red Dragon clans. New and varied ways to experience the shape-shifting postures and trance methods will be offered – opening more pathways for deep exploration.
Juniper Talbot, leader
Turkey Vulture Clan*
In the air Turkey Vultures are graceful, beautiful, peaceful. On earth they look fierce, raw, ugly, terrifying. They don’t kill to survive; they eat what is already dead. In Egypt, vultures are considered protectors of the living and consumers of the dead. In the Turkey Vulture Clan we will call on the Fierce Feminine Archetype to reclaim our Power. We will commune with the dark goddess to recognize those dark moon times that help us rest and prepare for new growth and rebirth. The divine feminine calls on us to be agile, to use our intuition and live in our truth. Like the cycle of the moon, which goes from light to dark, and back to light again, we honor the cycles of our lives. This Clan will dive deep, which includes components of discussion, independent exploration, ritual, and group interaction. We will awaken our own pure knowing and sovereignty. We encourage the participation of persons of all genders and welcome the opportunity to help make feminine archetypes work for you. Some of our workings will be done during the witching hour.
Participants will be encouraged to share a cabin.
Lanna Lee Maheux & Michele Abazorius Whitaker, Leaders
White Deer Clan*
Behold all you that passeth by, As you are now so once was I. As I am now so you must be, Prepare for death and follow me. If you knew the day you were going to die, what would you do differently? In countless legends and folklore around the world, White Deer were considered to be otherworldly-spirits traveling between the human and spirit worlds. In this clan, you will prepare to enter the house of the dead by examining life, recognizing fears, and by practicing dying. You will let go of control and open to the renewal death has to offer. On the third day of Twilight Covening, in the afternoon, you will die. You will become The White Deer, traveling between the worlds, a witness to the passing of time in a place you are no longer part of. But your story does not end here. You will reanimate and remember, as you breathe in life while embracing gratitude for this gift of reawakening, the opportunity to reexamine life, move beyond your fears and practice living. This clan is open to those who have attended Covening at least two times prior to this year, and who are looking for a challenging and intense clan experience.
Dawn Elizabeth and Miriam Klamkin, leaders
White Throated Raven Clan*
The Raven has been called the Keeper of Magic and Messenger of Mystery, a channel for magical energy. In this clan we will use breathwork, team building, energy shifting and extended time in ritual awareness. We will open ourselves to patterns and rhythms which facilitate deeper transformative experience for ourselves and others, leading toward actively participating in either the traveling or the accessible visioning ritual. You must have attended Covening in person for at least 3 years to be in this Clan. Please do not sign up for this clan if you have issues around physical touch. White Throated Ravens will be physically active and will spend time outdoors.
This clan will share a sleeping cabin.
Moira Ashleigh, leader
Wood Thrush Clan
One of the most beautiful and iconic sounds of a New England forest is the song of the Wood Thrush! Its song has a melodic section and a faster rhythmic trilling section. In this clan, we will explore both the how and why of chant writing from a number of different angles. We will gather and develop tools for composition. We will listen deeply and connect with nature and with each other, channeling inspiration into music! No previous experience or technical music ability required.
Lynn Rowan and Sam Arthen-Long, leaders
Register for Twilight Covening Online
Twilight Covening 2024 Clan Leaders

Ben Schuman (Phoenix Clan) (he/him) has been an eclectic Wiccan in the Northstar Tradition for nearly 25 years. He has served as high priest of a teaching coven, led numerous workshops and public rituals, and generally made a nuisance of himself.

Brannen (Beaver Clan) (he/him/his) is a Polytheist, Animist, and Pagan from the South. From an early start stumbling into meditation and soul of a place, Brannen's practice has taken shape over the decades to a focus on connection and right relationships with the places, entities, and people experienced.

Dawn D (Rattlesnake Clan) (she/her) is a solitary kitchen-witch who has known she was pagan ever since reading Greek Myths in high school. She is a poet and lover of words. She has attended Twilight Covening for over 15 years. She has co-led clans for the past two years and is excited for the opportunity to bring something new to the community. She also really hates writing bios.

Dawn Elizabeth (White Deer Clan) is a nurse, death midwife and advocate for the living and dying. She has been involved with the EarthSpirit Community for over 20 years- at Rites of Spring, in the background of Twilight Covening and everywhere in between. She hopes her teaching will encourage a death-positive culture and give her community the information they need to assist the dying in a confident and compassionate way.

Jo Weston (Minotaur Clan) (they/them) is a solitary animist and mystic living in the Boston area. A regular participant in the EarthSpirit community for over 15 years, they are passionate about the idea that everyone can find they own way to connect with the divine, whether through trance, music, stillness, or simply observation. They believe that spirit can be found everywhere, if you let yourself see it.

Juniper Talbot (Red Dragon Clan) is an Elder in Lenai Aine, a Celtic-based witchcraft coven, into which she was initiated in 1982. She has 40 years of training and experience in ritual, trance and magic and has extensive scholarly knowledge of the spiritual and magical practices of the Celts, leading numerous workshops and retreats based on these subjects. As a professional dancer, Juniper has traveled often to Britain and to many of its sacred sites to teach and perform. She is writing a novel based on the fourth branch of the Mabinogi, and is also a professional Tarot reader and Dream worker.

Kaye Kittredge (Beetle Clan) (she/her) is an artist, animist, and Glainn Sidhr witch. She currently serves on the EarthSpirit Board of Directors, and gained deep appreciation for the mystery through her practices as a ritualist, MotherTongue member, death midwife, and mother. A frequent Clan Leader at Twilight Covening, she likes to draw inspiration from nature's patterns, and explore the many ways we can use our creativity to change the world.

Lanna Lee Maheux (Turkey Vulture Clan) (she, her, hers) is passionate about helping others realize and reclaim their own power. Lanna uses pronouns she/her and is a witch, faery seer, podcaster, ex-clown, balloon twister, actor, geek, silly person, writer, singer, twit, and recovering Stand-Up Comic. A long-time member of the EarthSpirit Community, Lanna has presented at Rites of Spring, and has led the White Raven, Turkey Vulture, and Honey Badger Clans at Twilight Covening. Lanna Lee likes shiny things.

Liz Porter (Phoenix Clan) is a teacher and healer who has been following the pagan path for over two decades. Liz is a 3rd degree Wiccan high priestess, Reiki master, and shaman who uses practical magic to manifest goals into tangible reality. She has initiated a coven of witches who are teachers and healers in their own rights, has led Clans, and facilitated workshops and rituals. She is walking this path with her family, her horses, a gaggle of pets, and her farm.

Lynn Rowan (Wood Thrush Clan) (she, her) is a singer as a profession as well as her spirituality. She has written and published songs and chants for Windborne, Chase Hill, and other various performances and projects. She is a firm believer in the power of singing to shift energy, move hearts and minds, tell stories, and to connect to each other, to the past, to the earth, and to all beings.

Michele Abazorius-Whitaker (Turkey Vulture Clan) utilizes archetypes and phases of the moon to journey within the Fierce Feminine and Crone activation through ritual expression. A long time member of EarthSpirit Community, Michele has presented workshops and intensives at Rites of Spring and has co-led Caribou and Turkey Vulture Clans at Twilight Covening. Michele uses she/her pronouns and identifies as witch, a healer and is a Nurse Practitioner. Michele defines her best role as Grandmother.

Miriam Klamkin (White Deer Clan) is a Glainn Sidhr Witch, Death Midwife, professional astrologer, teacher and spiritual coach. She has led numerous Twilight Covening Clans over the past 30 years, focused on sensory and psychic awareness, self-knowledge tools, connecting with Nature, and energy work. She has taught many workshops and classes at Rites of Spring and Feast of Lights, has served for many years as a Rites of Spring core volunteer, and leads the ongoing 60+ Affinity Group.

Moira Ashleigh (White Throated Raven Clan) (she/her) is a Glainn Sidhr Witch and EarthSpirit Elder, she has been a featured presenter at EarthSpirit's Rites of Spring, Twilight Covening, and A Feast of Lights. She has also taught at Free Spirit, Pagan Pride, and was the primary organizer of EarthSpirit's "East" events for 20 years. Moira has a Masters degree in Theater and Dance from Emerson College, her numerous clans at Twilight Covening focused on breath, trance, ritual support, ritual roles, shapeshifting, perceiving patterns, and the body as a magical tool.

Rose Starwind (Parula Clan) is a mother, dreamer, green witch, and perpetual student of the Earth. She actively seeks and learns practices for re-weaving oneself back into the web of life while still functioning well in the waking world. Scientist and spirit-worker, Rose brings a practical, common-sense approach to living one's magic daily while walking with the wild.

Sam Arthen–Long (Wood Thrush Clan) is an animist, environmentalist, songwriter, musician, and producer and owner of the recording studio Singing Land Studio. Sam has been presenting and volunteering at EarthSpirit gatherings for over 10 years and is the host and producer for the EarthSpirit Voices Podcast. He lives in Western Massachusetts and spends much of his time helping to raise the next generation of EarthSpirit kids.

Sarahluna Chandler (Owl Clan) has been a student of tarot for over 30 years, reading and teaching in many settings. She is a practitioner of Anamanta and a longtime member of EarthSpirit. She lives in the hilltowns of western MA with her astrologer husband and their cat, Tahuti.

Shara Osgood (Beetle Clan) is an artist whose work reflects her decades of pagan spirituality and practice. Her magical and artistic endeavors are rooted in animism, activism, and community engagement. As a painter, muralist, and body arts practitioner, she has honed her unique vision. Shara teaches workshops on visual art, sound and movement with the goal of engaging souls, empowering creativity, and promoting accessibility. She uses bookmaking & art journaling as powerful tools for activation. Her many years in the EarthSpirit Community, have deepened her connection with all beings and her trust in her own voice

Tess Archer (Rattlesnake Clan) is a shape-shifting Witch who makes her home at the foot of the Green Mountains. Her superpower is integrating her work as a Feri Priestess and Faery Seer to help others find the joy and power in their own magic. Tess has led public rituals, and taught classes, workshops, and intensives at Rites of Spring and in the Northeast for decades. She has been a member of the EarthSpirit community for 25 years. She’s a ravenous seeker of knowledge, a wordsmith, ritualist, Priestess, teacher, Certified Death Midwife, volunteer, mixed-media artist, wife, and partner. She loves nothing better than traipsing around the woods conjuring up wild magic, or painting barefoot in her treetop studio.

Tchipakkan (Forest Cat Clan) is an artist, writer, healer, and eclectic pagan/heathen/rustic, magick user, and authentic crone. I’ve been openly pagan for the last 45 years, author of several pagan cookbooks, teacher and student. Co-founder with Jane Sibley of the Changing Times Changing Worlds Conference, and host of the Otherworldly podcast. I practice and teach RúnValdr, Reiki, Huna healing, herbalism, and Soothsay with runes, palmistry, tarot, dowsing and anything handy. I’d rather teach people how than to do things for them, but anything that gets it done.

Tracy Andryc (Minotaur Clan) has been sharing her love of the labyrinth since her first walk on its path in 1998. She sees the labyrinth as a universal tool that can be used in a magical/spiritual context, regardless of your religious path. Tracy is a Veriditas Certified Labyrinth Facilitator, Certified Birth Doula, Reiki Master, and owner of One Path Labyrinth Ventures. She takes a holistic approach to her labyrinth work by incorporating other modalities such as crystal grids, sound, and sacred dance. For more than two decades, she has facilitated workshops and rituals on the labyrinth and other topics at venues throughout New England.