Twilight Covening in Autumn

Twilight Covening
October 11-14, 2019

In the twilight of the year, we gather together to set time apart from our daily lives for study, reflection, dreaming, and seeking visions.

A time apart.
Feel the current of change
As the season turns.
Flow with the tide.
Find yourself held in community,
Honoring the spirit of the Earth.
Breathe in the cool crisp air
Cross the bridge from autumn
Into the dark of winter.
Step into a three-day ritual of deep spiritual connection, learning and magic.

Twilight Covening is a continuous  3-day ritual which holds and shapes an institute of Earth spirituality and a time to develop our collective wisdom in a shared sacred space as we move into the dark time of the year.

Each year since 1986, members of the EarthSpirit Community gather deep into ourselves and into communion with this time of year and with all of Nature. We explore the depths of a range of spiritual practices, learn new skills together and experience the joy and power of a living community ritual. We invite you to join us.

Twilight Covening is held in the autumn during the strong natural transition taking place all around us from light into dark, summer into winter, and outward focus to inward contemplation. During the gathering, we use this current of change, along with our focused practices, to find inspiration and insight that can feed us in the dark months to come and motivate us to make changes that we can use to deepen our own spiritual practice.

The intensive work of Twilight Covening takes place in practice-specific Clans of 10-20 people and in full-community rituals that flow together through the weekend.

The rituals include:

  • Releasing Fire Ritual on Friday night,
  • Rituals for Dreaming, Healing and Trance on Saturday night,
  • A Visioning Ritual on Sunday night
  • Four "Attunements" each day which mark the solar quarters of the day

Many participants have found that Twilight Covening provides a model for maintaining an earth-centered practice on a daily basis and is a wonderful opportunity for developing strong and lasting connections with others on a similar path.

The Director




Deirdre Pulgram Arthen

Deirdre Pulgram Arthen

Deirdre Arthen, a witch for over 40 years, loves creating different kinds of gateways along the boundary between the seen world and the unseen and sharing the experience of passing through those gateways with her community. Deirdre is the Executive Director of EarthSpirit and partner in Tamelin Productions with Andras Corban Arthen. She coordinates Twilight Covening, selecting and overseeing all of the clan leaders and shaping the ritual content for the weekend.

Twilight Covening Fire Releasing on EarthSpiritTwilight Covening Application

Admission to Twilight Covening is by pre-registration only. One fee includes the cost of the program, lodging in either a regular cabin or your own tent, and a total of 8 meals, starting with dinner on Friday night through breakfast on Monday.

  • Online Reg closes at 11:59pm ET on Sunday, September 29
  • The early rate is $295, all inclusive.
  • Beginning on September 1, the rate will be $330.00
  • Heated sleeping space is an additional $60.

If you want to register after the deadline and we are still able to accommodate you, Clan choices will be limited and a $25 late fee will be added to the cost of registration.

Current dues-paying EarthSpirit members, Associate and above, may deduct $5 from their total cost.

Twilight Covening Housing Choices

Standard cabins have eight to fifteen beds each. All have electricity, shared bathrooms and shower-house are nearby. There are also heated sleeping spaces available in shared space for between 5 and 15 people which cost an additional $60 per person paid at the time of registration.

Unless you are in a Clan that is sharing a cabin for the weekend, you will choose your particular cabin or room when you arrive. Please let us know in advance, however, if you have a large group that would like to share cabin space. Plenty of grassy or wooded tenting space is also available.

Twilight Covening Confirmation

Confirmation of registration, with directions and the clan assignment, will be sent out no later than October 5.

E-mail is by far the most efficient means of communication. If you have changed your email or mailing address from the time of registration, you need to let us know asap so that your information can reach you in a timely manner. Send us an email at Tamelin Productions with the subject: "Covening address change".

Given the atmosphere we create at Twilight Covening, the number of people we can accommodate is limited. Please register early to ensure admission. If cost is an issue and paying in installments will help you attend, please call 413-238-4240 or e-mail us at as early as possible and we will try to help. A few work exchange positions may be possible for individuals with construction or carpentry skills.

QR Code Morwen Two Feathers Scholarship Donation

Morwen Two Feathers Scholarship Fund

Scholarships are closed for 2019

New this year, a scholarship fund is available to offer partial financial aid to people who otherwise could not attend. In order to help as many people as possible be a part of the Twilight Covening magical experience,  we ask that you only request what you need, up to 50% of the attendance cost, heated space is extra. There will be a "Scholarship Application" selection in the payment section on the application form.  All scholarship applications will be reviewed by the Tamelin Productions team, and you will hear from us once that has happened.

If you are under age 18 and would like to register on your own, or if you want to request special arrangements for payment please e-mail us at

Anyone can Donate to the Morwen Two Feathers Scholarship Fund to help other people attend Twilight Covening.

Twilight Covening Online Registration Instructions

To register online, click the link below. You will receive a confirmation e-mail with your registration number. Please do not register more than once. If you have questions, additions, changes, or cancellations, e-mail us at Online payment options are: credit card (via PayPal), check, or money order. If you choose PayPal, you'll be taken to the PayPal site at the appropriate time in the registration process. If you choose check or money order, please write your registration number on your payment and mail it to:

Tamelin Productions PO Box 340 Williamsburg, MA 01096

Register Online for Twilight Covening!

This method is fast, secure and helps us process things quickly.

If you have not received your assignment by October 1, please contact the Tamelin Productions office at 413-238-4240 or

If you are not able to attend Twilight Covening and would like to receive a credit you must request it in writing by September 29 if you need to have your money refunded, let us know before September 10th. After that date, your registration money is committed toward the rental of the site, food purchases, and other expenses for which we have to pay in advance whether you attend or not. Please do not ask us for any kind of refund or credit after September 29.

A $25 service charge will be applied to all refunds and bounced checks.

You can mail your application (and make checks out) to:

Tamelin Productions
PO Box 340
Williamsburg, MA 01096

Volunteers for pre-event kitchen work and especially for final clean up are welcome. Please call the office at (413) 238-4240 if you want to help.

Twilight Covening Dreamcircle on EarthSpiritChoosing your Twilight Covening Clan

Make sure that you read over all of the Clan descriptions carefully. There are many wonderful possibilities. On your registration form, you will need to list four Clans as possible choices for the weekend. We will try to give everyone their first or second choice, but it is important that you indicate four preferences since we assign the Clans primarily on a first-come first-served basis and some will fill up quickly. Some Clans may also be cancelled due to lack of demand in a particular year.

Number your preferences from 1 to 4, with 1 being your first choice. Registration forms which are filled out incompletely will only delay processing time, making it less likely that first choices will be available. So that Clan Leaders can best meet the needs of all of the members of their Clan, whatever their level of experience, we ask that everyone answer all of the questions on the registration form.

All of the Clans at Twilight Covening are designed to provide deep and fulfilling experiences. Some Clans, indicated with an asterisk (*), include work that relies on past experience or is especially challenging. If you would like to apply to join one of these Clans, please let us know why it calls to you right now and include information about your training, skills and practice with this kind of work in your application along with information about the kind of support system you have in place outside of Twilight Covening (coven, teacher, therapist, etc.). If you do not include all of this information, we cannot assign you to one of these Clans.

To fully complete the ritual of Twilight Covening, you should arrive by dinner time on Friday and must plan to stay on site until Monday afternoon so that you don't miss your Clan's final meeting or the closing circle.  Clan assignments will be finalized and mailed after the registration deadline of September 29. We will have a master list in the office; please call if you have not received your assignment by October 5.

Twilight Covening Clans 2019
October 11-14, 2019

Barred Owl Clan* 
The ancient visiting traditions of England and beyond beg to be revived and so we shall! With song and revelry, blessings and gifts, many of these traditions are joyous, but "bad luck" awaits those who don't respond where and when they should. These ritual forms illuminate what is expected of us: We are responsible to participate in the greater good. We are expected to give gifts to those in need. We are required to cease hostilities, honor our ancestors, and joyously thank the cattle, bees, apples, laborers, etc. that work for and feed us. All of this is encoded in the songs.
The Barred Owl clan will delve into these indigenous European visiting traditions – from Maying to Souling to Wassailing – joyfully re-learning the old ways as a means of resisting and replacing our materialist, individualist, domination-focused modern culture. *Clan members should be physically able, and know the basics about these traditions, love to sing or both. Please include a letter explaining your interest.
Sarah Stockwell Arthen leader,  Kate Greenough, co-leader

Black Dog Clan
In Northern Europe, the year was divided into two seasons – summer and winter – and the transition between the light and dark halves of the year marked a transformation in the spiritual landscape of the world.  Lore from Scandinavia, Britain, and the Continent describes a phantom troop called the Furious Host or Wild Hunt that appears with the turning of the seasons and embodies the energy of the dark months, chasing land spirits into hiding, and carrying souls of the dead to the underworld.  In Black Dog Clan, we will be leaning into this shift of energy and exploring our relationship with the dead, the darkness of winter, and the power of the wandering gods. We will explore ways that Heathenry teaches us to honor and remember ancestors and heroes, and ways to connect with the disir – potent guardians of our family lines.  We will engage with songs, rune lore, and other activities for the long winter nights.  And we will tell sacred stories and explore how they teach us to tap into the transformative powers of the underworld in this season of the sun’s waning.  Black Dog Clan’s work will be derived from Germanic/Heathen Tradition, but this clan is open to people of any path.
Trey Wentworth and Ulf DiCerto, leaders

Buffalo Clan
The Buffalo's majesty and sense of purpose as it moves over the land inspires us to hear Spirit’s call, and create the path that speaks to our hearts. The buffalo symbolizes manifestation, via right intention and right action. In fact, the buffalo’s work is both sacred and practical. In this clan, we will explore magickal techniques to connect with Spirit, define and experience our intention, and manifest our vision. As the buffalo travel together over the land, our clan will actively build connection with one another and with our Mountain. Using meditation, energy work, movement, art and ritual, we will walk the path we want to create for ourselves, and explore how our work is in service to our community. Our weekend’s work will harness the power of the seen and unseen to bring to life that which calls to us.
This clan will be very physically active and will spend significant time outdoors walking on uneven terrain.
Clan members will share a cabin.
Tatiana Lyons and Steve Trombulak, leaders

Butterfly Clan
During our lifetime, we face periods of change, struggle, and loss. The path through these challenging times is by embracing transformation. Change is something that happens to us, but transformation is our response to change that leads us down the path of unlimited potential. The labyrinth is an ancient pattern that mirrors the twists and turns of the cycles we move through in our lifetime. When used in a magical context it can bring about profound transformation. Sometimes we pass through stages of transformation where we become "stuck" and need to reach deep within ourselves to find the inspiration to move forward. The caterpillar journeys to sacred center to emerge as the butterfly transformed and ready to use its new wings. This clan will use the labyrinth as a tool for transformation to journey inward and emerge with new insight and inspiration. Using journaling, labyrinth construction and walking, meditation, movement and breathwork; we will journey to the stillness within and emerge with the tools we need to facilitate our own metamorphosis. We will leave the weekend with a pathwork plan to continue the work of the butterfly to dry your wings and fly into unlimited potential. The work will be physically active at times and we will spend most of our time outdoors. You do not need previous experience with the labyrinth to join this clan.
Butterfly Clan will share a cabin.
Tracy Andryc, leader

Centipede Clan*
To appreciate the light we must embrace the shadows. In our personal magical journeys we encounter fear that keeps us from doing just that. Through journeywork, moving meditations, and rituals we will look at the patterns that hold us back from moving forward. Centipede Clan will work on awareness of our trigger responses so that we may alter the edges of our walls of resistance and seek out allies from within our fears. This clan is open to those ready to engage their shadow spaces with vulnerability.
Sarah Lyn, leader

Coyote Clan
We are all ridiculous.  We have been socialized to take ourselves too seriously, to subsist in patterns and habits, to be a productive member of society.  In ancient cultures, the Tricksters served to break those habits, to laugh at themselves and at others, and to reflect our own ridiculous nature back at ourselves.  In Coyote Clan, we will uncover our inner Fool, break the rules that hold us back, cross boundaries and exist in liminal spaces, and explore what other possibilities may exist on the other side.  Prepare to have your assumptions challenged and your buttons pushed.
Coyote Clan will share a cabin.
Ben Schuman, leader; Irene Glasse, co-leader

Crane Clan*
When cranes gather in a flock, they gabble and toot in a cacophonous, ever-changing web of harmony. Long ago, the cranes and other waterfowl taught the Lithuanian people to join this web through Sutartinės, a flowing, weaving song-style that builds and reinforces a communal connection to the wider tapestry of nature. In Crane clan, we will explore a trance practice based in Sutartinės-singing and lead ourselves towards an experience of the ever-changing harmony between the self, the community, and the world.
This clan will involve a lot of singing, and some optional gentle movement. If you are confident and comfortable in round-singing, you have the requisite music skills for this clan. Please indicate your level of comfort with singing in the comment box.
Lynn and Will Rowan, leaders

Gargoyle Clan
Where are your edges?  What is the difference between perception and reality?  How do you know whether a perception of the outside world is really a projection from within you?  How do we discern whether to be active or passive in any given situation? In the Gargoyle Clan, we will explore our perceptions, both physical and Other, and learn to distinguish external input from internal Knowing.  We will practice techniques for focusing perception, discernment, protection, shielding, warding, and grounding. These techniques will include physical, mental, and magical forms, first applied to the self, and then with each other.  Techniques will vary, so that all may have a chance to find their particular skill set within a given form and be able to use it going forward. This clan will spend most of its time outdoors and includes some gentle physical activity.
Rose Starwind and Ted Thibodeau, leaders

Ibis Clan
Ibises were sacred to the ancient Egyptians, and considered them a manifestation of Thoth, who was credited him as the author of all works of astronomy, astrology, the science of numbers, mathematics, geometry, land surveying, and sacred science.
What is the nature of a sacred place, a temple, a sacred landscape? We will be working with techniques to creating our own contemporary ritualized landscape..  During this process, we will work with the land itself in constructing a “sacred site", incorporating aspects of astronomically aligned megalithic structures and sacred geometry inspired by a variety of cultures and times.  We will incorporate common aspects of a ritualized, landscape, infused with sacred geometry, observational astronomy, and internal/personalized mythology, to assist in generating shifts of personal and group consciousness.
This is the last time this Clan will ever be offered at Twilight Covening. We will be spending considerable time outside working with the land, both day and night, with an all night vigil, working with our Templum, on Saturday.
Ibis Clan members will be sharing a cabin.
Wolf Grathwohl, leader

Lion Clan*
In our extended community of festivals, rituals, and ceremonies, drummers often have the task of “holding sonic space” for dancers, trancers, chanters, and others wanting to access a higher state of consciousness via entraining to rhythm.  This clan is an advanced ensemble experience, focused on exploring the discipline and techniques of percussive ensemble playing for ritual and ceremony. We will be learning music from West Africa, Haiti, and Cuba, and exploring our own rhythms as well, as we learn the roles of each instrument, how we can effectively use them both technically and rhythmically, and develop our listening skills overall.   Some instruments will be provided, and a list of what will/won’t be used in our work will be sent prior to Twilight Covening so you can plan what to bring or leave home. This clan requires familiarity with some form of drum technique, previous experience with playing for sacred or intentional ceremonies (fire circles, community rituals, etc.) and a comfort level learning new rhythms and techniques at a fast pace.
Joss Price, leader

Magpie Clan*
From our first moment to our last, breath is essential to our survival, but breath is also something we can change and control. Using extended breath patterns and trance states the Magpie Clan will open to a deeper connection to Nature, while softening the edges between our human selves and the unseen world. Magpie encourages us to open and explore those liminal places where we can sense our essential connection to the Universal web and to the land we walk upon. As magpies we will work toward valuing our total self, both light and shadow aspects. Our clan will come away with tools and a shared vocabulary to use in our own magical practices, as well as our everyday lives. This clan is not appropriate for people with physical touch issues. Be prepared to work late into the night and early in the morning, in a physically active clan.
Magpie Clan will share a cabin. 
Moira Ashleigh leader

Mouse Clan 
Living parallel to the larger culture, resourceful, prolific, adaptable, protective and successful, Mice live all around us. In this clan we will examine our magical toolboxes, identifying our tools, learning how to use them properly, and adding tools that might be missing. As witches, we should be well versed in how to meditate, ground, charge, give offerings, protect ourselves and our spaces, make intentional objects, create spells, and know when to do these things for maximum effectiveness. This clan is open both to newcomers and long time witches.
Katie LaFond, Leader

Octopus Clan
Manifesting our memory, opportunities, and challenges through talisman, Octopus clan will bring the magic of artist creation as a tool for growth and vision. Fetishes have been utilized in various cultures throughout time as a means for both storytelling and ritual. Octopus Clan will primarily use natural materials and primitive techniques to create physical objects that can be kept and worked.
Kaye Kittredge and Mark Girard, leaders

Snowy Owl Clan
This clan will be exploring the role of the Soothsayer, looking into the history and underlying principles of Divination: the tools, the techniques, our place in the community, how different forms contrast or overlap. We will cover language/ symbols of astrology, and the basics of numerology, palmistry, dowsing, card reading and other casting techniques, also systems from other cultures like I Ching, and the psychic components of trance work, scrying, psychometry, and dream and omen interpretation. We’ll compare which techniques work best in which situations, and how to find your best methods, even how to develop our own. This is an intensive clan with lots of work and service, and little free time.
Tchipakkan, leader

Turkey Vulture Clan*
Turkey Vulture appears as two things. In the air they are graceful, beautiful, peaceful. On earth they look fierce, raw, ugly, terrifying. They don’t kill to survive; they eat what is already dead. In Egypt, vultures are considered protectors of the living and consumers of the dead. In the Turkey Vulture Clan we will call on the Fierce Feminine Archetype to reclaim our Power. We will commune with the dark goddess to recognize those dark moon times that help us rest and prepare for new growth and rebirth. The divine feminine calls on us to be agile, to use our intuition and live in our truth. Like the cycle of the moon, which goes from light to dark, and back to light again, we honor the cycles of our lives. As the weekend continues, we will open into our own Sweet Fierceness. This Clan will dive deep and include components of discussion, visualization, ritual and interaction to help us tap into our own pure knowing and sovereignty. We encourage the participation of persons of all genders and welcome the opportunity to help make the feminine archetypes work for you. Some of our workings will be done during the witching hour.
Participants will be encouraged to share a cabin.
Lanna Lee Maheux & Michele Abazorius Whitaker, Leaders

Walrus Clan
The walrus dives deep and digs for hidden morsels which elude others who seek them. In this Norse clan, we will dive deep to explore both the Hunter/Warrior and Home & Hearth traditions. The Hunters/Warriors will follow a hunters schedule and go on a quest with Snorri to sharpen their skills and arrows as they identify  their individual beasts to conquer. They should be prepared to spend a lot of time outdoors in the woods, fasting and working with focus, both as a group and on their own, then engaging in a ritual hunt. The Home & Hearth folks will prepare the Hunters' ceremonial game feast with Jane, and explore rituals and practices of the Norse home, including bread baking and home warding. This clan will also do trance Voyaging, with the goal of each member learning from the other participants and from the Otherworld so as to provide reinforcement for further magical pursuits.  The Hearth and Home portion of the Walrus clan welcomes all, no matter what your physical abilities may be, the Hunter/Warrior segment will be physically demanding.
Jane Sibley, leader; Snorri co-leader

White Hart Clan*
For the Celts, the appearance of the White Hart was a sign that the forces of the Otherworld were present and in action.  This magical being draws us to embark on a quest into the unseen realms, stimulating profound spiritual changes for those who would follow. To quest for the White Hart is to quest for ancient and powerful magical knowledge as understood and practiced by the Celtic ancestors.  By looking closely at the myths of the Celtic people, we will gain an understanding of some of their deep-held spiritual beliefs and the inner workings of their magical practices. We will learn and engage in several of the magical practices that we glean from the mythologies, adapting them for our modern lives and personal needs.  In this way, we build a living, potent magical and spiritual practice rooted firmly in the traditions of the ancient Celtic people. Participants should have some background in Celtic traditions. Not recommended for mobility challenged individuals. We will spend much of our time outdoors.
Juniper Talbot, leader

Wolf Clan*
Wolves are creatures of twilight, living in-between night and day.  Their eyes and ears are adapted to shadow times. In Wolf Clan, the dark landscape is our ally.  A wolf pack is a family, and we will rely upon each other to move through the woods, breathe into liminal spaces, and support the Twilight community.  Our work focuses on finding connection to each other over distance and beyond human words. We will move together, listen together, and howl together. In Wolf Clan, we ultimately explore what it means to provide service to the community as a pack and as individuals, occupying the place between human and other.
Be aware this clan will pierce the veil of the Visioning Ritual, and therefore we will not be able to accept anyone who has not been to Twilight Covening at least twice in previous years. We will also be very physically active, including moving through the woods during all hours of the day and night. Be prepared to work late into the night and early in the morning, offer ritual support to the community, and interact closely with other clan members.
Wolf Clan will share a cabin
Donovan Arthen and Wolfhame, leaders

Twilight Covening 2019 Clan Leaders

Ben Twilight Covening

Ben Schuman (Coyote Clan) has been an eclectic Wiccan in the Northstar tradition for nearly 20 years.  He has served as high priest of a teaching coven, led numerous workshops and public rituals, and generally made a nuisance of himself.  Ben is an occasional musician and frequent pot stirrer.

Donovan Arthen

Donovan Arthen (Wolf Clan) is a lifetime member of the Earthspirit Community and has grown through the guidance and training that its teachers and elders have offered throughout his life. He is a practitioner of Anamanta and explores his spirituality through loosening his shape,embracing the experience of the moment and the mystery surrounding us. His deepest passions lie in building community and creating connections between individuals, fostering interdependence and a strengthening of the web of life.

Irene Glass

Irene Glasse (Coyote Clan) is a Mystic Witch based in Western Maryland. She leads the Frederick Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans, organizing and offering Pagan events, rituals, classes and workshops to a large, vibrant community. She also performs readings, healings, pastoral counseling services, magickal and ritual work, guided study and more both in person and remotely through her website.


Jane Sibley

Jane T. Sibley, Ph.D. (Walrus Clan) is a traditional Norse practitioner who has been teaching at Pagan events for many years. She is the author of "The Divine Thunderbolt: Missile of the Gods" , "The Hammer of the Smith" (historical novel), "Norse Mythology... According to Uncle Einar" (humor) and "A Different Dragon" . Her most recent book, "The Way of the Wise: Traditional Norwegian Folk and Magic Medicine" is at the publisher, and may be out in time for Twilight Covening.


Joss on EarthSpirit

V. Josselyne Price, M.A. (Lion Clan) V. Josselyne Price is a percussionist and ethnomusicologist, specializing in ritual and rhythm of West Africa (Ghana), related Diasporic traditions in Haiti and Cuba, and North America. She has worked as a studio percussionist and vocalist in many recording projects throughout the United States, and frequently provides soundscapes for yoga and movement meditation classes. She currently splits her residence 1/2 time between Vermont and Puerto Rico, and is on the faculty at a private college teaching Ghanaian drumming and World Music courses. Josselyne serves in advisory/facilitator roles for many other national and local-level drum and dance based events; her work at the circle includes enhancing the connection between the pathways and exploring the archetype of the guardian through sound/music.

Juniper Talbot

Juniper Talbot (White Hart Clan) is an Elder in Lenai Aine, a Celtic-based witchcraft coven, into which she was initiated in 1982.  She has almost 40 years of training and experience in ritual, trance and magic and has extensive scholarly knowledge of the spiritual and magical practices of the Celts, leading numerous workshops and retreats based on these subjects.  As a professional dancer, Juniper has traveled often to Britain and to many of its sacred sites to teach and perform. She is writing a novel based on the fourth branch of the Mabinogi, and is also professional Tarot Reader.


Kate Greenough (Barred Owl Clan) is an artist living in Vermont, who will note the 10th anniversary of her first Daily Drawing at Twilight Covening this year. She is a member of MotherTongue, and is known to frequent pub and  chantey sings, and shape note sings. She actively celebrates Yule and May Day with friends and family from the Mass. Hilltowns, and wants to see more people connect with their land and their community through traditions that draw from the old visiting customs.

Katie Lafond on EarthSpirit

Katie LaFond (Mouse Clan) follows an Earth-based spirituality. A fiber artist, “garbologist,” orchestral flutist, homesteader, Mommy, and astrologer, Katie is passionate about local food. Katie has led a variety of clans at EarthSpirit’s Twilight Covening, taught workshops in a variety of pagan disciplines across the U.S. and led ritual both public and private. She is a music teacher and member of MotherTongue, and lives in the hilltowns of Western MA with her family, bees, cat, dog, & way too much yarn.

Kaye Kitt

Kaye Kittredge (Octopus Clan) is a Glainn Sidhr witch, mother, ritual artist & performer. She has co-created ritual, clans and workshops at EarthSpirit gatherings for the last 30+ years. Kaye's favorite gateways to transformation include dreamwork, shapeshifting, trance journey, and the arts. She has been known to draw on pretty much anything.

Lanna Lee

Lanna Lee Maheux (Turkey Vulture Clan) is passionate about helping others realize & reclaim their own power using discussion & tools like visualizations & daily practices. Lanna uses pronouns she/her & is a witch, faery seer, podcaster, ex-clown, balloon twister, actor, geek, silly person, writer, singer, twit, & recovering Stand-Up Comic. A long-time member of the EarthSpirit Community, Lanna has presented at Rites of Spring, & has led the White Raven & Turkey Vulture Clans at Twilight Covening. Lanna Lee likes shiny things.

Lynn Rowan on EarthSpirit

Lynn Rowan (Crane Clan) has dedicated her professional life to the study of vocal performance in its many and varied forms and has performed and taught workshops, lessons and lead choirs in singing for the past decade. In writing ritual music for Chase Hill folk, she began to dig deeper into connecting her professional life as a singer with her spiritual life as a heathen and animist, and began to use her voice as a way to connect with spirits, ancestors, and nature. Through her discovery of the ancient pagan musical tradition of Lithuania, and her trips there, she has integrated her love of folklore with her spiritual music practice.  She is eager to facilitate this exploration of community, nature, trance and connection through breath and voice.


Mark Girard

Mark Girard  (Octopus Clan) Mark’s connection to the natural world influences his art; focusing on the sublime connection with materials, resulting in rich, complex, and deceptively simple creations. He loves to make things, share, and is often covered in a fine layer of sawdust.

Michelle Twilight Covening

Michele Abazorius-Whitaker  (Turkey Vulture Clan)  brings a laser focus with use of archetypes, and phases of the moon that directly correspond to aspects and hidden influences in our lives, thru Fierce Feminine activation, sovereignty  and rituals. Michele is a priestess, witch and healer. Her myriad of path work also includes Generation 11 Priestess Path Sisterhood, Ushui Reiki Master, Hatha Yoga Teacher and Registered Nurse.  As a long time member of EarthSpirit Community, Michele has presented workshops and intensives at Rites of Spring and has co-led Caribou and Turkey Vulture Clans at Twilight Covening. Michele studies Archeoastronomy,  Crows and Ravens, and defines her best role as Grandmother.

Moira Ashleigh Twiligh Covening

Moira Ashleigh M.A. (Magpie Clan) is a witch of the Glainn Sidhr Order and a longtime contributing member of the EarthSpirit Community with clergy credentials. She has been a featured presenter at Rites of Spring, Twilight Covening, A Feast of Lights. She has also taught at Free Spirit, Pagan Pride, and was the coordinator of the EarthSpirit's "East" events for 20 years. Moira has a Masters degree in Theater and Dance from Emerson College, She is also a storyteller, and the embodiment of the character RagRoot at the New York Faerie Festival. Moira is passionate about clean water & wildlife.


Nikolas Wolfhame Katrick (Wolf Clan) is a thane and Gesith (companion) of the Heathen kindred Chase Hill Folk, who gave him his name meaning “wolf shape.” Professionally he directs the Marlboro College Outdoor Program which focuses on wilderness expeditions and leadership, and is the founder of the nonprofit Wolfgard Northeast where he teaches about wolves and the wild world. He is passionate about the liminal world of shapeshifting, storytelling, animal identity & anthropomorphism, and may be slightly feral.

Rose Twilight Covening

Rose Starwind (Gargoyle Clan) is a mother, shaman, green witch and perpetual student of the Earth. She is also an Initiate of multiple western occult lineages and has been a magical practitioner for decades. Blending her livelihood as an environmental scientist with her duties as a shaman, she brings a practical common-sense approach to living one's magic on a daily basis.

Sarah Lynn Twilight Covening

Sarah Lyn (Centipede Clan) …is a writer and ritualist undergoing transformation by fire. She connects to Otherworld through animistic shamanism, dreaming, and deep ancestor work. For over fifteen years she has been facilitating large group rituals and workshops, including chant circles, labyrinth walks, and formal dumb suppers. (

Sarah Stockwell Arthen

Sarah Stockwell Arthen (Barred Owl Clan) In the last few years Sarah has has dived deep into the traditions of Wassail and visiting, falling in love with the exuberance of the customs and the meaning of the songs, their specific and local origins in the British Isles, and the long tendrils of meaning connecting to Heathenry and other European traditions back in time. Long-time EarthSpirit ritualist and bard, she is in the Glainn Sidhr Order.

Snorri Twilight Covening
Steve Trombulak on EarthSpirit

Snorri Whitesell (Walrus Clan) resides in his home state of Vermont where he grew up hunting fishing and tracking. A member of the earth centered community for more than 25 years, David serves as artist, sacred fire tender, wood buster and tarot reader. David’s fifteen-year study of Heathenry lead him to create historically accurate objects and commemorative shields. He is the co-creator of a lithomancy divination system.

Steve Trombulak (Buffalo Clan) is a conservation biologist and animist who has for several years explored the connections between community and humanity’s relationship with the more-than-just-human world. These explorations have drawn him to the life pathways of music, voice, and service – bound together by the mysteries of spirit – as a focus for community empowerment and individual transformation. He is a teacher, an environmentalist, and a father.

Tatiana Lyons

Tatiana (Buffalo Clan) describes her magickal work as building Vision and Walking the Path toward it, in co-creation with Spirit. She loves teaching, and has led numerous workshops on vision-building, gratitude and energy work, and she’s led clans previously at Twilight Covening. Tatiana is a 3rd degree Wiccan High Priestess who leads a coven in NYC/NJ, and who is part of an elder’s coven in the Gardnerian/Minoan/NorthStar tradition. A business leader and coach, she enjoys practicing her craft both in the woods, and on her daily train ride into Manhattan. Tatiana happily lives in a very green part of NJ with her husband Tim, their 2 children and cats.

Ted Twilight Covening

"Tall Ted" Thibodeau Jr (Gargoyle Clan) (he/him/his) is a Witch of the Glainn Sidhr Order, and has been actively working with EarthSpirit since 1989. Over the years, he has co-facilitated and co-created various public rituals and workshops, long been the Chief of Operations at Rites of Spring, and led and co-led several Clans at Twilight Covening including Coyote (sacred clowning); Bison, Monkey, Otter, Spider (heartbeat and other drumming); and Reindeer (Norse practices); among others. Employed as a Technical Evangelist, he uses his magical practices to broaden and deepen the world wide web of invisible connections, building bridges between beings, communities, and technologies.


Tchipakkan (Snowy Owl Clan) is an artist, writer, soothsayer, and healer, who has studied both the modern neo-pagan movement and historical paganism for over 30 years. She practices and teaches many forms of divination and healing, including herbalism and energy work (previous clans include the Snowy Owl, Dolphin, Moose, and Forest Cat).

Tracy Andryc Twilight Covening

Tracy Andryc, (Butterfly Clan) has been sharing her love of the labyrinth since her first walk on its path in 1998. She sees the labyrinth as a universal tool that can be used in a magical/spiritual context, regardless of your religious path. Tracy is a Veriditas Certifed Labyrinth Facilitator, Certified Birth Doula, Reiki Master and owner of One Path Labyrinth Ventures. She takes a holistic approach to her labyrinth work by incorporating other modalities such as crystal grids, sound and sacred dance. For two decades, she has facilitated workshops and rituals on the labyrinth and other topics at venues throughout New England.

Trey Moonwood

Trey Wentworth (Black Dog Clan) Trey is a queer witch, spaeman (seer), and godi (priest) in the Heathen tradition.  They are the founder of Chase Hill, a Heathen community in Southern Vermont, which they have led since 2010.  Together with that community, Trey has published two songbooks of Heathen ritual music. They teach Heathen lore and practice through workshops, writing, and ritual.  Trey is also a novelist, a poet, and a drag performer.

Ulfr on EarthSpirit

Ulfr (Black Dog Clan) has been a practicing heathen for many years. He is the founding member of Hammer Kindred in Connecticut, and has taught and led numerous classes and groups at Rites of Spring and Twilight Covening.

Will Rowan on EarthSpirit

Will Rowan (Crane Clan) is a heathen, an animist, and a practitioner of Anamanta. He grew up singing in community and traveling to study with singing masters around the world. He performs with the vocal quartet Windborne, teaches for Village Harmony, and holds a Masters of Music in Conducting from the Bard Conservatory of Music. After falling in love with Lithuanian Sutartinės-singing and meeting the Trinkūnai family, he has traveled to Lithuania to meet and study with traditional singers, musicians, and members of Romuva, Lithuania's thriving pagan revival. The power of music is a mystery that Will continually explores in his professional and spiritual life.

Wolf Twilight Covening

Wolf Grathwohl (Ibis Clan) has a B.S. in Archaeology/Anthropology, and has been studying archaeology and ancient cultures for over 40 years. He has worked on building, and collaborating on, several aligned stone circles, as well as working with sacred geometry, dowsing, classical / Pythagorean mathematics/philosophy, and has visited, and worked with, many sacred sites both in the Americas and Europe.