Twilight Covening
October 7-10, 2022
In the twilight of the year, we gather together to set time apart from our daily lives for study, reflection, dreaming, and seeking visions.
A time apart.
Feel the current of change
As the season turns.
Flow with the tide.
Find yourself held in community,
Honoring the spirit of the Earth.
Breathe in the cool crisp air
Cross the bridge from autumn
Into the dark of winter.
Step into a three-day ritual of deep spiritual connection, learning and magic.
Twilight Covening is a continuous 3-day ritual which holds and shapes an institute of Earth spirituality and a time to develop our collective wisdom in a shared sacred space as we move into the dark time of the year.
Each year since 1986, members of the EarthSpirit Community gather deep into ourselves and into communion with this time of year and with all of Nature. We explore the depths of a range of spiritual practices, learn new skills together and experience the joy and power of a living community ritual. We invite you to join us.
Twilight Covening is held in the autumn during the strong natural transition taking place all around us from light into dark, summer into winter, and outward focus to inward contemplation. During the gathering, we use this current of change, along with our focused practices, to find inspiration and insight that can feed us in the dark months to come and motivate us to make changes that we can use to deepen our own spiritual practice.
The intensive work of Twilight Covening takes place in practice-specific Clans of 10-20 people and in full-community rituals that flow together through the weekend.
The rituals include:
- Releasing Fire Ritual on Friday night,
- Rituals for Dreaming, Healing and Trance on Saturday night,
- A Visioning Ritual on Sunday night
- Four "Attunements" each day which mark the solar quarters of the day
Many participants have found that Twilight Covening provides a model for maintaining an earth-centered practice on a daily basis and is a wonderful opportunity for developing strong and lasting connections with others on a similar path.
COVID Protocol
This year the application process for Twilight Covening includes a requirement that each applicant certify that they have been fully vaccinated against COVID. We will require that each participant show documentation of this fact, upon arrival. We also reserve the right to require evidence of a negative PCR test depending on health conditions in Massachusetts closer to the event. If you want to attend but are medically unable to get vaccinated due to immune-deficiency or allergies, please contact us by email in advance to discuss the matter individually.
Please do not come if you are sick or if you have traveled to high risk areas in the 2 weeks before Twilight Covening. Anyone who develops COVID symptoms on site will be asked to return home early. Please be sure to inform us if you test positive after the Gathering so that we can inform close contacts and limit spread. We hold each other by paying attention to our own and others’ safety - by washing hands and asking before close contact, like hugging.
Most Clan activities and community rituals will take place outdoors again this year. Please bear this in mind when considering whether attending is the right choice for you. We suggest that everyone bring extra warm layers and good rain gear (tops and pants), just in case.
Masks will be required in indoor settings during the event. Please plan to bring several well-fitting KN-95 or 3-layer cloth masks with replaceable filters with you. Some disposable back-ups will be available.
Overall attendance at Covening will be limited for extra safety indoors, and all Clans will also be limited in size this year to maintain smaller groupings. Attendees will eat with Clan members during the event and some Clans may have shared sleeping space available as well.
The Director

Deirdre Pulgram Arthen
Deirdre Arthen, a witch for over 40 years, loves creating different kinds of gateways along the boundary between the seen world and the unseen and sharing the experience of passing through those gateways with her community. Deirdre is the Executive Director of EarthSpirit and partner in Tamelin Productions with Andras Corban Arthen. She coordinates Twilight Covening, selecting and overseeing all of the clan leaders and shaping the ritual content for the weekend.
Twilight Covening Application
Admission to Twilight Covening is by pre-registration only. One fee includes the cost of the program, lodging in either a regular cabin or your own tent, and a total of 8 meals, starting with dinner on Friday night through breakfast on Monday.
- Online Registration closes at 11:59pm on Sunday, September 25
- Payment by check must be postmarked by September 22
The early rate is $315, all inclusive.
Beginning on September 1, the rate will be $340.00
Heated sleeping space is an additional $60.
If the event reaches capacity, we will begin a waiting list in case any spots open up due to cancellation.
If you want to register after the deadline, and we are still able to accommodate you, Clan choices will be limited and a $25 late fee will be added to the cost of registration.
Current dues-paying EarthSpirit members, Associate and above, may deduct $5 from their total cost.
Twilight Covening Housing Choices
Standard cabins have eight to thirteen beds each. All have electricity, with shared bathrooms and a shower-house nearby. There are also heated sleeping spaces available in rooms for between 4 and 12 people which cost an additional $60 per person paid at the time of registration. Double, triple, or single rooms are not available.
You will choose a cabin or room in the category you have selected when you arrive. Some Clans will have identified space where Clan members may choose to sleep if they prefer. If you would rather share a cabin with a group of your own choosing, please be sure that we know in advance and that you include an adequate number in your group to fill a cabin (usually 8+). Plenty of grassy or wooded tenting space is also available if you would prefer to be on your own.
Twilight Covening Confirmation
Confirmation of registration, with directions and the clan assignment, will be sent out no later than October 1.
E-mail is by far the most efficient means of communication. If you have changed your email or mailing address from the time of registration, you need to let us know asap so that your information can reach you in a timely manner. Send us an email at Tamelin Productions with the subject: "Covening address change".
Given the atmosphere we create at Twilight Covening and the state of the ongoing pandemic, the number of people we can accommodate is limited. Please register early to ensure admission. If cost is an issue and paying in installments will help you attend, please go ahead and register to pay by check and also e-mail us at as early as possible and we will try to help. Some assistance is available through the Morwen Two Feathers Scholarship Fund, and a few work exchange positions may be possible for individuals with construction or carpentry skills.
Donate to the Morwen Two Feathers Scholarship Fund
Anyone can Donate to the Morwen Two Feathers Scholarship Fund to help other people attend Twilight Covening.
New this year, a scholarship fund is available to offer partial financial aid to people who otherwise could not attend. In order to help as many people as possible be a part of the Twilight Covening magical experience, we ask that you only request what you need, up to 50% of the attendance cost, heated space is extra. There will be a "Scholarship Application" selection in the payment section on the application form. All scholarship applications will be reviewed by the Tamelin Productions team, and you will hear from us once that has happened
Twilight Covening Online Registration Instructions
To register online, click the link below. You will receive a confirmation e-mail with your registration number. Please do not register more than once. (If you are unsure if your registration has gone through please contact before attempting to register again.) If you have questions, additions, changes, or cancellations, e-mail us at Online payment options are: credit card (via PayPal), check, or money order. If you choose PayPal, you’ll be taken to the PayPal site at the appropriate time in the registration process. If you choose check or money order, please write your registration number on your payment and mail it to: Tamelin Productions, PO Box 340, Williamsburg, MA 01096. Checks must be postmarked no later than September 22.
Important: Please check to make sure you have included all of the information required for application to Twilight Covening. Your application will be processed more rapidly with your help. – Thank you
You will be asked to physically sign a waiver on site.
If you have not received your assignment by October 1, please contact the Tamelin Productions office at 413-238-4240 or
If you are not able to attend Twilight Covening and would like to receive credit for another event, you must request it in writing by September 25. If you need to have your money refunded, let us know before September 10. After that date, your registration money is committed toward the rental of the site, food purchases, and other expenses for which we have to pay in advance whether you attend or not. Please do not ask us for a refund or credit after September 25.
COVID-19 Exception: If you have tested positive for COVID or have been closely exposed within a week of the event, please do not attend Twilight Covening. You will receive a full one-year credit for another event or a refund.
You can mail your payment (and make checks out) to:
Tamelin Productions
PO Box 340
Williamsburg, MA 01096
or Register On-line
A $25 service charge will be applied to all refunds and bounced checks.
Volunteers for final clean up are welcome as are some for pre-event kitchen work. Please indicate your desire to volunteer on your application. Do not assume that you should come early unless you hear from us directly. Call the office at (413) 238-4240 and leave a message if you want to find out more.
Choosing your Twilight Covening Clan
Make sure that you read over all of the Clan descriptions carefully. There are many wonderful possibilities.
On your registration form, you will need to list five Clans as possible choices for the weekend. This year, since Clan size is limited, it is less likely than usual that you will get your first choice. Please be ready to be flexible! It is important that you indicate five preferences since we assign the Clans primarily on a first-come first-served basis and some will fill up quickly. Some Clans may also be cancelled due to lack of demand in a particular year.
So that Clan Leaders can best meet the needs of all of the members of their Clan, whatever their level of experience, we ask that everyone answer all of the questions on the registration form.
All of the Clans at Twilight Covening are designed to provide deep and fulfilling experiences. Some Clans, indicated with an asterisk (*), include work that relies on past experience or is especially challenging. If you would like to apply to join one of these Clans, please let us know why it calls to you right now and include information about your training, skills and practice with this kind of work in your application along with information about the kind of support system you have in place outside of Twilight Covening (coven, teacher, therapist, etc.). If you do not include all of this information, we cannot assign you to one of these Clans.
To fully complete the ritual of Twilight Covening, you should arrive by dinner time on Friday and must plan to stay on site until Monday afternoon so that you don’t miss your Clan’s final meeting or the closing circle. Clan assignments will be finalized and mailed after the registration deadline of September 25. We will have a master list in the office; please call if you have not received your assignment by October 1.
Twilight Covening 2022 Clan List
Arctic Wolf Clan
The úlfhéðnar were Scandinavian shapeshifters who wore wolf fur into battle, matching their “lich” (flesh or physical body) to their “hame” (shape or skin). While the traditions of these wolf warriors have been lost, we can find the legacy of their deeds and travels in surviving sagas. In the Arctic Wolf Clan we will seek the in-between world that the úlfhéðnar occupied - something not human, but also not entirely “other”. We will ask the questions: What really defines our identity? How do we incorporate deep personal changes and revelations into the self we show to the world? What happens if we allow our “otherness” to become part of who we are in the world everyday? And like the ancient Scandinavians, we will witness each other in Heathen ritual, where our ancestors, the spirits of the land, and the gods are invited to hear our stories and witness our growth. This Clan will include moderate movement over uneven terrain, and some gentle hiking.
Irene Glasse and Nikolas Wolfhame Katrick, leaders
Aurochs Clan
"What then is the root of poetry and every other wisdom? Not hard; three cauldrons are born in every person -- the cauldron of warming, the cauldron of motion and the cauldron of wisdom."
A modern practice based on early Irish thought, the Three Cauldrons is a meditative technique, a self-awareness tool, and an energetic practice focused around the three cauldrons of energy within the self. In Aurochs clan we will seek to stir up the energies of each cauldron, introduce ourselves to it, and move into actively using the energies of each cauldron. Clan members should expect to spend a fair amount of time outside and be comfortable with moderate physical exertion.
Brannen, leader
Blackwitch Moth Clan*
In the natural world, failing to do the work that your Path calls you to can result in dire consequences, even death. Yet we often strive to hide from our Work or excuse ourselves from it due to circumstances. Drawing from a moth’s tenacity in navigating a lifecycle full of travail, travel, change, and transformation, we will utilize the Moth Clan modalities of gratitude, meditation, journey work, movement, and self-adornment to discover and practice holding the Work that we hide from ourselves. We’ll then anchor ourselves in that Work in a way that will support our extended focus on it, even when conditions are not ideal. Clan members will leave with a clearer understanding of the Work they need to be doing, as well as practices to bring home to support it. (*Clan members must have been in a previous Moth Clan OR have significant meditative experience.)
Kelley B, leader
Buffalo Clan
The Buffalo's majesty and sense of purpose as it moves over the land inspires us to hear Spirit’s call and create the path that speaks to our hearts. The buffalo symbolizes manifestation via right intention and right action. In fact, the buffalo’s work is both sacred and practical. In this clan, we will explore magickal techniques to connect with Spirit, define our intention, and manifest our vision. Just as the buffalo travel together over the land, our clan will actively build connections with one another and with the land we inhabit. Using meditation, energy work, movement, deep listening, poetry, and ritual, we will define that which we choose to leave behind, envision the paths forward we want to create, and explore how our work is in service to our community. Our weekend’s work will harness the power of the seen and unseen to bring to life that which calls to us. This clan will encourage participants to spend significant time outdoors in direct connection with the Earth.
Steve Trombulak and Tatiana, leaders
Crane Clan*
When cranes gather in a flock, they gabble and toot in a cacophonous, ever-changing web of harmony. Long ago, the cranes and other waterfowl taught the Lithuanian people to join this web through Sutartinės, a flowing, weaving style of chanting that builds and reinforces a communal connection to the wider tapestry of nature. In Crane clan, we will explore a trance practice based in Sutartinės-singing and lead ourselves towards an experience of the ever-changing harmony between the self, the community, and the world.
This clan will involve a lot of singing, breath work, and some optional gentle movement. If you are confident and comfortable in round-singing, you have the requisite music skills for this clan. Please indicate your level of comfort with singing in the comment box.
Lynn Rowan and Will Rowan, leaders
Cuckoo Bird Clan
While all who present as feminine at an early enough age may be Maiden and who live long enough may be Crone, not all in the middle are Mother. Not all feminine-presenting people take on the role of Mother, through choice or circumstance. Cuckoo birds famously lay their egg in other birds’ nests, leaving the “mothering” to someone else. Through storytelling, guided meditation, gazing, and other exercises,
Cuckoo Bird clan will invite you to explore other feminine archetypes that we may embody beyond Maiden, Mother, Crone, and explore feminine energies that may be less familiar. Light movement will be required.
This clan is open to femme-presenting attendees.
Michelle T B, leader
Gryphon Clan*
What’s holding you back? What frightens you? Do you have triggers? As like attracts like sometimes we must go to our inner darkness to understand the hidden truths that lie within. This allows us to embrace our power and release that which is no longer needed. The Gryphon clan is an introductory clan to the techniques of Dark Eros. We will utilize guided meditation, breathing, and physical sensation work to help us on a journey of empowerment. The clan is designed to allow you the freedom to push your own boundaries in a safe, sane, consensual and nurturing environment. The clan is best for those who have explored the leather/BDSM lifestyle, and more suitable for past Twilight/Rites participants. Those with touch issues, those opposed to frank discussion of human sensuality and those unwilling for deep introspection, might find the clan too challenging.
Cerillian and Dawn, leaders
Heron Clan
With intense awareness and patience, the Great Heron snatches what it needs from the water. By opening to the natural world around us, we find beautiful, poignant, humorous and magical moments every day. We will hunt for such moments in the woods, by the pond, alone and among people. We will observe while being still and while being in motion. Then we will capture the essence of these moments by writing very short poems and concise prose descriptions. We will learn the basics of Haiku and related Japanese poetic techniques that emphasize a focus on nature and human nature. You do not need any experience with poetry and after the clan you can continue the observation practice with or without writing poetry.
open boathouse doors
the crackle of robins
In the rafters
Eric Arthen, leader
Manta Ray Clan*
Our stories hold truths, patterns, dreams and desires. What stories do we share, which do we keep secret? What stories do we whisper to ourselves? In Manta Ray we will explore the magic of story weaving, story-telling, and how our stories can nourish or deprive. We will explore our individual stories, moving softly and gently like the Manta, but with clear purpose and magical intent. We will then create stories for and with each other, weaving tales based in the deeper truths we discover. Manta clan will include walking meditation and periods of silence.
Rose Starwind, leader
Manx Shearwater Clan
The Manx Shearwater is a migratory bird that navigates by the stars. The map above them points them unerringly to their destination. Humans have learned how to use that same star map in their own physical and spiritual travels. In this Clan, we will apply the basic principles of this art, known as astrology, to shaping our own life paths, and begin to read for others as well. We will delve deeply into the essentials in our own birth charts and let that knowledge guide us, focusing primarily on charting this year's Winter work. No prior astrological knowledge required.
Miriam Klamkin, leader
Meerkat Clan
Always looking out for one another, meerkats are highly social creatures. They carry out daily tasks with as little disruption to their peers as possible, taking turns supporting their community’s survival and comfort. Ready to help one another when needed, Meerkat is a service oriented clan designed for people who have attended Twilight Covening for around five years or fewer, and who are interested in taking the first step toward a selfless role in our community. Using exercises in energy awareness, communication, and teamwork we will establish a foundational understanding of how and when to be supportive. Meerkat will lend direct support to community activities and rituals as appropriate throughout the weekend. This clan is open to everyone, but will be very active. We will make use of close physical proximity and spend a majority of our time outdoors. Please note any significant physical strengths and weaknesses on your application form.
This clan will share a cabin.
Dante Savion and Omdog, leaders
Moose Clan
The Moose is both ungainly and magnificent, wandering the northern woods and wetlands; they manage to become the largest of the deer on simple browse. Safe from anything short of a grizzly or pack of wolves, Moose fear nothing, and mind their own business. In this clan we will be exploring herbal medications, especially in Northern European folk practice, but also including our local east coast weeds. The clan will be creating various salves, ointments, potions, syrups and teas, and learn about techniques for foraging, growing, gathering, and preparing useful herbal remedies, as well as learning about charms, energy enhancement of herbal remedies, and communicating with our plant allies.
Tchipakkan, leader
Opossum Clan*
Opossums are considered by some to be living fossils because they have retained traits of their ancestors that existed millions of years ago. They have exceptional night vision and are able to put themselves into an “inactive state” in order to protect themselves from the cold. But perhaps the most well-known trait of the opossum is their ability to feign death when the need arises. Join us in this introductory clan as we sharpen our senses and open to accepting knowledge our ancestors already know. Peek into the quiet and learn how to effectively and compassionately bear witness to the dying. Step into the stillness and examine the fears and uncertainties of our own inevitable decline and deaths. In the end, re-animate with new experiences, changes in perspective and tools to utilize when (not if) the need arises.
(This clan may trigger deep emotions, so please reflect carefully on where you are in your processes in order to get the most out of this experience. Grieving is a natural part of life, but unfortunately we won't have the time to process grief or bereavement during our short clan time.)
Dawn Elizabeth and Chris LaFond, leaders
Pillbug Clan
We have all found ourselves in hard places, where we are exhausted and we cannot take one more step, or do one more thing. But what do we do when we have to? As the pillbug burrows into the earth to find nourishment and restoration, this clan will sink into the layers of the mountain in order to replenish ourselves. We will use guided meditations and gentle movement to discover how we connect with the energies of ancestor, tree, stone, and star. We will explore how to draw extra energy from these elemental relationships during difficult times.
Sarah Lyn, leader
Seagull Clan
The seagull fares far and wide, as did the Norse in their longships along fjord and sea. In this clan, we will delve into one aspect of a far-wandering Tradition, that of runes. From their origins (ca. 50 BCE-50 CE) and early usage through time into Medieval and later times, from common usage, they were the popular way folks wrote in the Northlands. We will explore how they were applied in mundane as well as in magical usage, including divination and secret codes, bind runes, and runiform sigils such as the aegishjalm and vegvisur. Clan members will be able to make their own rune divination tools, using sticks and pebbles collected on site, and learn how to use them. There will be a number of books (in English but at least one in Icelandic) for further research available. If Clan members already have rune divination tools, please bring them.
Jane Sibley, leader
Salamander Clan
First there is a mountain, then there is no mountain, then there is. (Zen koan).
How do we perceive the world around us? What is real? As a salamander experiences life both in water and on land, moving between the two as needed, reality can also be experienced on different levels, and ritual is a method of moving between them. Beyond engagement with language, symbols, incense and chants is a kind of awareness that enables us to use those tools in a way that both intensifies the experience and makes it more meaningful and able to actually transform us. In this Clan we will work to break out of our preconceptions about reality and practice techniques that will help us achieve and hold onto that alternate awareness.
Andras Corban Arthen and Donovan Arthen, leaders
Sidewinder Snake Clan*
Our shapes slither and we move sideways through the shifting sands of who the world expects us to be.
In this clan we will work with the magical practice of Guising as we begin to soften and shift the way we perceive and are perceived through meditation, breath work, and moving with intention. We will disrupt patterns of our behavior and spend time exploring other ways of being embodied in the world. What assumptions do you have about who you are? What could you be? Shed your skin and move into new shapes with us.
**This clan is open to people who have been to Covening at least three times prior to this year.
Katie LaFond, leader
Snow Leopard Clan*
Snow Leopards are reclusive, mostly living on their own - they are sometimes known as the "ghosts of the mountain.” At Twilight, the Snow Leopard Clan is for artists/creators who are working on single/specific projects and who can flourish in solitary time within the Twilight ritual container to advance their work. How do we create individual space and time that inspires creativity and progress? What rituals, actions, and commitments can we observe that will support a home practice, be it music, art, writing, or other arts? How do we hold ourselves accountable for our creative effort? We will set up our own individual work spaces and use our clan time in both group and individual format so that we are offered both focused, inspired time to work, and also a supportive environment where we can share our process, challenges, hopes, and accomplishments. This clan is limited to returning attendees only, and you must submit a description of the project you would be working on with your Twilight application.
Josselyn Price, leader
White Hart Clan*
For the ancient Celts, the appearance of the White Hart was a sign that the forces of the Otherworld were present and in action. This magical being draws us to embark on a quest into the Unseen Realms, stimulating profound spiritual changes for those who would follow. To quest for the White Hart is to seek entrance to the Otherworld – a realm which the ancient Celts perceived as interwoven with "this world", lying behind a Veil, but still accessible. In this Clan, we will explore different aspects of the Celtic Otherworld and its inhabitants – how it’s perceived and how it functions. We will also learn and engage in ancient magical practices for moving between the worlds and connecting with what we encounter. By adapting these techniques for our modern lives and personal needs, we build a living, potent magical and spiritual practice rooted in ancient Celtic traditions. Participants should have some background in Celtic traditions. We will spend much of our time outdoors, including some walking over uneven terrain.
Juniper Talbot, leader
Twilight Covening 2022 Clan Leaders

Andras Corban-Arthen (Salamander Clan), founder and spiritual director of the EarthSpirit Community, became involved in paganism in the late 1960s, and has taught about the pagan traditions throughout the U.S. and abroad since then. He also serves as president of the European Congress of Ethnic Religions headquartered in Vilnius, Lithuania. Andras is originally from Galicia, Spain, and now lives in the Berkshire Highlands of western Massachusetts.

Brannen (Aurochs Clan) is a Polytheist, Animist, and Pagan from the South. From an early start in meditation and connection to place, Brannen's practice has taken shape over the decades to a focus on connection and right relationships with the places, entities, and people experienced.

Cerillian (Gryphon Clan) currently resides in Jonesborough TN and has been leading clans and workshops for over 20 years. Being a practitioner of Earth Based religion since his youth, and actively involved in the pansexual leather community for 35 years, he has become known for creating a safe, nurturing and relaxed environment in which to explore Dark Eros work.

Christopher LaFond (Opossum Clan) is a trained Death Midwife and the founder of Western MA Death Midwife Services, which serves as a support for Death Midwives and the community at large. Wherever possible, he talks about end-of-life issues in order to normalize and encourage death-positivity in our death-denying culture. He has led clans at Twilight Covening for twenty years, and serves on the Board of Directors for EarthSpirit.

Dante Savion (Meerkat Clan) became a member of the Earth Spirit community over a quarter century ago. His Unitarian Universalist upbringing gave him a deeply rooted belief in service as a form of prayer. For more than a decade he has served as a Core Volunteer at both Rites of Spring and Twilight Covening. He earned a BFA in Film and Video from Massachusetts College of Art and Design in 2015, and continues to pursue a career as an independent filmmaker throughout New England.

Dawn (Gryphon Clan) is a solitary kitchen-witch who has known she was pagan ever since reading Greek Myths in high school. She has attended Twilight Covening for over 15 years. She has been in both
Gryphon and Wyvern and has attended and assisted in the planning of other Dark Eros events. She also
really hates writing bios.

Dawn Elizabeth (Opossum Clan) is a nurse, death midwife and advocate for the living and dying. She has been involved with the EarthSpirit Community for over 20 years- at Rites of Spring, in the background of Twilight Covening and everywhere in between. She hopes her teaching will encourage a death-positive culture and give her community the information they need to assist the dying in a confident and compassionate way.

Donovan Arthen (Salamander Clan) is a lifetime member of the Earthspirit Community and has grown through the guidance and training that its teachers and elders have offered over the 34 years of his life. He is a practitioner of Anamanta and explores his spirituality through loosening his shape, embracing the experience of the moment and the mystery surrounding us. His deepest passions lie in building community and creating connections between individuals, fostering interdependence and a strengthening of the web of life.

Eric Arthen (Heron Clan) is a Glenshire witch who has been an avid student of psychic and dream phenomena for over thirty years. He has lead clans and workshops since the first Twilight Covening. Some of these skills have not come easily to him, so he has paid particular attention on how to learn and teach them.

Irene Glasse (Arctic Wolf Clan) is a mystic witch based in Western Maryland. She is a longtime teacher of witchcraft, meditation, and magick in the mid-Atlantic. She is the co-author of "Blackfeather Mystery School: The Magpie Training" (Dragon Alchemy, 2022) and has performed, taught workshops, and led rituals at many festivals and conferences over the years. Irene is the main organizer of the Frederick Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (Frederick CUUPS), offering events, rituals, classes and workshops to a large, vibrant community.

Jane T. Sibley, Ph.D. (Seagull Clan) has been a longtime presenter at many Pagan conferences (Rites of Spring, Twilight Covening, Feast of Lights, Ecumenicon, and more) for a number of decades. Lots of decades. Her books ("The Divine Thunderbolt: Missile of the Gods", "The Hammer of the Smith", "Norse mythology according to Uncle Einar" and "The Way of the Wise: Traditional Norwegian Folk and Magic Medicine" have 5-star ratings on Amazon, and she is still writing. She (with 2 partners) has Auntie Arwen's Spices, familiar to many folks at FoL and RoS

Josselyne Price (Snow Leopard Clan) V. Josselyne Price is a percussionist and ethnomusicologist, specializing in ritual and rhythm of West Africa (Ghana), related Diasporic traditions in Haiti and Cuba, and North America. She currently splits her residence 1/2 time between Western Massachusetts and Puerto Rico. She has worked as a studio percussionist and vocalist in many recording projects throughout the United States, and as a solo artist provides soundscapes for yoga and movement meditation classes. While taking a hiatus from 20 years of collegiate teaching, she serves in advisory/facilitator roles for many other national and local-level drum and dance based events; her work at the circle includes enhancing the connection between the pathways and exploring the archetype of the guardian through sound/music.

Juniper Talbot (White Hart Clan) is an Elder in Lenai Aine, a Celtic-based witchcraft coven, into which she was initiated in 1982. She has 40 years of training and experience in ritual, trance and magic and has extensive scholarly knowledge of the spiritual and magical practices of the Celts, leading numerous workshops and retreats based on these subjects. As a professional dancer, Juniper has traveled often to Britain and to many of its sacred sites to teach and perform. She is writing a novel based on the fourth branch of the Mabinogi, and is also professional Tarot reader and Dream worker.

Katie LaFond (Sidewinder Snake Clan) is a musician, educator, fiber artist, homesteader, ritualist, core volunteer, and practitioner of Anamanta and has been involved with EarthSpirit since 2000. Katie serves on the EarthSpirit Board of Directors, the organizing committee for Western MA Pagan Pride Day, is a Massachusetts Notary Public and a certified Death Midwife, tends the EarthSpirit Healing Shrine, leads Sunflower Evenings, and is a member of MotherTongue.

Kelley B (Blackwitch Moth Clan) is a longtime EarthSpirit community member and Twilight Convening Clan leader. She holds the hearth at Rites of Spring in the kitchen, loves crows and cats, and is inspired by the energies of All Grandmothers, Kwan Yin, Compassion, Gratitude, Multiplicity, and T-rex.

Lynn Rowan (Crane Clan) has dedicated her professional life to the study of vocal performance in its many and varied forms and has performed and taught workshops, lessons and lead choirs in singing for the past decade. In writing ritual music for Chase Hill folk, she began to dig deeper into connecting her professional life as a singer with her spiritual life, and began to use her voice as a way to connect with spirits, ancestors, and nature. Through her discovery of the ancient pagan musical tradition of Lithuania, and her trips there, she has integrated her love of folklore with her spiritual music practice. She is eager to facilitate this exploration of community, nature, trance and connection through breath and voice.

Michelle T B (Cuckoo Clan) is a musician and kitchen witch who has been practicing with EarthSpirit for 16 years. She has been a Twilight Covening assistant clan leader, presented at Feast of Lights, helped organize events with EarthSpirit East, and has studied paganism and witchcraft both formally and informally for decades. Michelle believes that there is magic all around us, in everything from our voices to the trees to electricity.

Miriam Klamkin (Manx Shearwater Clan) is a Glainn Sidhr Witch, professional astrologer, teacher and spiritual coach. She has led numerous Twilight Covening Clans over the past 30 years, focused on sensory and psychic awareness, self-knowledge tools, connecting with Nature, and energy work. She has taught many workshops and classes at Rites of Spring and Feast of Lights, has served for many years as a Rites core volunteer, and leads the ongoing 60+ Affinity Group. Miriam has studied and practiced the art of astral navigation for more than 45 years. Her own star map has informed and enriched her own amazing life journey.

OMDOG (Meerkat Clan) accepted her calling to Earth-centered spirituality on Samhain night 2002. Since then she has studied a variety of disciplines including energy manipulation, meditative breath work, trance, and Anamanta. Integrating a magical practice with daily life, she enjoys greening her surroundings by creating and maintaining natural spaces. Omdog lives in Brooklyn, loves getting her hands dirty, cool rocks, dragonflies, and bugs whose butts glow.

Rose Starwind (Manta Ray Clan) is a mother, dreamer, green witch and perpetual student of the Earth. Rose has actively rewilded herself and her life across several decades, which resulted in a renewed understanding of storytelling and the potency of the spoken word witnessed. Scientist and spirit-worker, Rose brings a practical, common-sense approach to living one's magic on a daily basis while walking in active relationship with the wild.

Sarah Lyn (Pillbug Clan) is a queer writer and ritualist in the midst of transformation by fire. She facilitates group rituals and workshops, often focusing on her affinity with trees, stones, labyrinths, and her deep Ancestor veneration. Sarah Lyn is a long-time EarthSpirit member and Twilight Covening clan leader. (

Steve Trombulak (Buffalo Clan) is a conservation biologist and animist who has for several years explored the connections between community and humanity’s relationship with the more-than-just-human world. These explorations have drawn him to the life pathways of music, voice, and service – bound together by the mysteries of spirit – as a focus for community empowerment and individual transformation. He is a teacher, an environmentalist, and a father.

Tatiana (Buffalo Clan) describes her magickal work as building Vision and Walking the Path toward it, in co-creation with Spirit. She loves teaching, and has led numerous workshops on vision-building, gratitude and energy work, and she’s led clans previously at Twilight Covening. Tatiana is a 3rd degree Wiccan High Priestess who leads a coven in NYC/NJ, and who is part of an elder’s coven in the Gardnerian/Minoan/NorthStar tradition. A business leader and coach, she enjoys practicing her craft both in the woods, and on her daily train ride into Manhattan. Tatiana happily lives in a very green part of NJ with her husband Tim, their 2 children and cats.

Tchipakkan (Moose Clan) is an artist, writer, healer, and eclectic pagan/heathen/rustic, magick user, and authentic crone. I’ve been openly pagan for the last 45 years, author of several pagan cookbooks, teacher and student. Cofounder with Jane Sibley of the Changing Times Changing Worlds Conference, and host of the Otherworldly podcast. I practice and teach RúnValdr, Reiki, Huna healing, herbalism, and Soothsay with runes, palmistry, tarot, dowsing and anything handy. I’d rather teach people how than to do things for them, but anything that gets it done.

Will Rowan (Crane Clan) is an animist and a practitioner of Anamanta. He grew up in a community where seasonal celebrations were marked by communal singing, dancing, and folk drama. He has studied polyphonic singing with tradition bearers in various folk cultures in Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean, as well as having a Masters of Music in Choral Conducting. He performs with the vocal quartet Windborne, teaches singing, and composes everything from chamber music to sacred fire chants. After falling in love with Lithuanian Sutartinės-singing and meeting the Trinkūnas family, Will traveled to Lithuania to meet and study with traditional singers and members of Romuva, Lithuania's thriving indigenous spiritual community.

Nikolas Wolfhame Katrick (Arctic Wolf Clan) is a thane and Gesith (guardian) of the Heathen kindred Chase Hill. He is a werewolf in love with the mystery of wild places and a guide on the bridge to the more-than-human world of identity. As a carpenter, writer, gardener, outdoor guide, fire & rescue officer, nonprofit professional, and educator, he wears too many hats (and has fun doing it). Telling and listening to stories, talking about anthropomorphism, scheming up new projects, and spending time with beloved communities makes his tail wag.